Vocal Activation

20250422-consert-- vocal-activation-shakti-dance mit Piera-netanel-goldberg
Event: Vocal Activation & Shakti Dance mit Piera
Datum: Dienstag, 22. April 2025
Zeit: 17:00 – 22:00
Ort: Roy's Paradeis rainbows.ch
Piera ist auf Tour und wird zusammen mit einer weiteren Künstlerin einen Kreis mit Vocal Activation und Shakti Dance leiten. Katja ist ebenfalls mit dabei.
Weitere Infos: Konzert-Link
Organisiert von: Katja

Mercks & Fabba

Zürich CH | Alexander Mercks & Fabba

Thu, Apr 3 @ 7:30PM — 9:30PM

Paradeis, Kanzleistrasse 78, 8004 Zürich

Alexander Mercks and Fabba will join forces to create an improvised set to relax and dance to. Wizards on the handpans and guitar their sounds are melting into another and creating an enchantingly colorful world of sound.

Before the concert, there will be a Tango Workshop.

18:30 : Free & Public Tango Workshop by Práctica Maravillas 19:30 : Free Flow Dance-Concert by Alex Mercks & Fabba

Free entry. Magic Hat Suggestion : 25 CHF

Kundalini mit Dounia

Dounia Yogini,
There is a natural flow of the light to be multidirectional and creative/ manifest. So do we. In March we tap into the themes of expansion, creativity and clear projections.
Also this month has lunar and solar eclipses , which bring us into reset and readjustments.
We will honour the celestial qualities of growth through transformation and let it go with a rebirthing on the 11th of March.
Mp for more info.
Bless you all ❤️

Kundalini Yoga mit Dounia